Changing / Resetting a Password

Changing / Resetting a Password

Since Azure AD is the default authentication service, any WCB staff password changes or resets will need to be handled via existing IT processes. Acuspire does not have access to internal WCB or Service Provider accounts.

CBI and Lifemark:

Click the top corner menu, then My Settings.


Click the Service Providers tab in the left sidebar.

  1. Under “Current Service Providers”, click the gear.
  2. image

  3. Click the “Membership” tab in the left side menu.
  4. image

  5. Click the Reset Password button to trigger a password reset email to the user.

The user will receive an email with a Reset Password button:


The user will be requested to enter their email and provide a new password:


WCB accounts created via OAuth will not have the Reset Password option.
